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🏃💨 Hurry! Only 5 free spots left this month.
🏃💨 Hurry! Only 5 free spots left this month.
🏃💨 Hurry! Only 5 free spots left this month.
🏃💨 Hurry! Only 5 free spots left this month.
🏃💨 Hurry! Only 5 free spots left this month.
🏃💨 Hurry! Only 5 free spots left this month.
🏃💨 Hurry! Only 5 free spots left this month.

the ugc

Coming Soon
Be the best! ✨
Learn from the best ⚡️

What Will You Learn?

01      How to get inspiration

01      How to get inspiration


Inspiration 🧠

Lacking the creativity or knowledge of how to implement one’s ideas is one of the biggest blockers for many creators. But hey, we’ve all been there and good for us, there is many ways to kill ad idea fatigue and get inspired daily ⚡️ Our academy will equip you with the tools to navigate through the exciting world of UGC creation, unveiling hidden gems and empowering you to stay ahead of the curve - at your own pace. Dive into our resources and get onboard. The future of UGC awaits...

02      What makes UGC great

02      What makes UGC great


Great UGCs 🦄

On the journey to define what it is that makes UGC ads great, compelling and high convertig for your clients, we will go back to the very roots of UGC to understand where we are coming from to unlock the potential of today’s fast-paced social world. While many UGC creators are professional actors, anyone with the right skills can excel. We'll explore the key qualities of a great UGC creator and focus on crafting compelling hooks—the crucial first three seconds of an ad—to captivate viewers and keep them engaged.

03      How to find clients

03      How to find clients



Starting in a new job or even bringing your current Creator job to a new level, can be challenging. We will show you proven hacks on how to grow your portfolio and increase your monthly income.

04      Services you can offer

04      Services you can offer


Services You Can Offer 💰

Many ways lead to Rome and so is the job of an UGC creator. Dealing with multiple clients you will find them having different needs. It’s crucial for you to understand the efforts & impact connected to the different services, whether it be organic content, social ads, raw footage, whitelisting, ... the list goes on. Let’s discover the different fields and price tags connected to it, together!


I've included these additional resources to help you scale your UGC business.
UGC Pricing Guide


I provide a detailed breakdown of how to price raw content, fully edited  ads, Meta/TikTok whitelisting, and additional revisions.
DM Outreach Templates


Copy the exact scripts that I use to reach out to potential clients. I share the top scripts that have been most successful for me when pitching myself to brands on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
Contract Template


See the important clauses that I put in my own UGC contracts to protect my business from potential legal woes.
👉🏽 DTC founder &
Agency owner
Our story 😊
Let’s create!


Welcome to our Creator Academy, we’re so happy you’re here! This happy chappy dudette on the left is Jo, our CEO.

Having been in front of the camera for her own ecommerce brand until 2022, and later founding our UGC agency Social Heaven to support ecommerce businesses, she’s gathered invaluable insights.

From mastering on-camera presence to discovering fresh inspiration for ads, identifying essential tools to make your life a lot easier, marketing strategies, and improving necessary skills - Jo’s here to guide you every step of the way.
Let's embark on this journey together and unlock your potential as a UGC creator.
Welcome to our Creator Academy, we’re so happy you’re here! This happy chappy dudette on the left is Jo, our CEO.
Having been in front of the camera for her own ecommerce brand until 2022, and later founding our UGC agency Social Heaven to support ecommerce businesses, she’s gathered invaluable insights.

From mastering on-camera presence to discovering fresh inspiration for ads, identifying essential tools to make your life a lot easier, marketing strategies, and improving necessary skills - Jo’s here to guide you every step of the way.
Let's embark on this journey together and unlock your potential as a UGC creator.

Voices from your peer creators

Für jeden, der ernsthaft in den Bereich des Content Creations und UGC einsteigen möchte, ist die UGC Creator Academy ein Muss!

Sissi B.

Der Kurs deckt alles ab, was man wissen muss, um überzeugende UGC Inhalte zu erstellen, die bei der Zielgruppe Mega ankommen!

Estha M.

Der Kurs gut strukturiert, und ich habe super Wertvolle Ideen sammeln können. Ich habe bereits damit begonnen, einige von denen umzusetzen, und ich kann es kaum erwarten, zu sehen, wohin sie mich führen.

Max S.

Wenn Ihr euer content Game verbessern wollt, ist der Kurs der place to be! Hier wird alles abgedeckt, von Planung, Erstellung bis hin zur Reflexion. Was mir am meisten gefallen hat, sind die sofort umsetzbaren Tipps und und Tricks

Richard L.

Durch Jo´s Erfahrung mit ihrem E-Commerce und jetzt als Gründerin von Social Heaven, hab ich nicht nur die Theorie gelernt, sondern auch wie das ganze in der Praxis umsetzbar ist. Und durch ihre sympathische Art ist der Kurs nicht nur mega lehrreich, sondern auch unterhaltsam.

Karo M.

Dadurch das du über dein Daily Business redest und weißt was bei Kunden gut ankommt, konnte ich total viel mitnehmen und kenne jetzt die Do´s and Don´ts als Content Creator. Danke dir!

Raphael B.

Wenn ihr euer Social-Media-Game auf ein neues Level bringen wollt, dann ist "The UGC Creator Academy" ein absolutes Must-have. Der Kurs ist voll mit Insiderwissen über UGC. Von der Planung bis zur Veröffentlichung - hier lernt man alles, was man wissen muss, um erfolgreich als UGC Creator durchzustarten.

Lotte S.

Der Kurs von Social Heaven hat mir geholfen, meine Fähigkeiten als UGC Creator auf ein ganz neues Level zu heben. Egal, ob ihr Anfänger seid oder schon etwas Erfahrung habt, hier werdet ihr definitiv etwas Neues lernen. Das Geld war es mir definitiv Wert!

Andrea C.

Jo's Kurs ist praxisnah und sofort umsetzbar.

Simon K.

Seit ich an der UGC Creator Academy teilnehme, hat sich meine Online-Präsenz enorm verbessert. Du weißt wirklich, wovon du spricht!

Bella B.

Der Kurs ist vollgepackt mit praktischen Tipps und Tricks, wie man hochwertig UGC erstellt. Ehrlich gesagt, hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass man so viel in einem Kurs lernen kann.

Leonie R.


Can I take The courses at my own pace?

Yes, absolutely! You can pause, rewind, and rewatch any video in the course at any time, allowing you to learn at your own pace.

How long do I have access?

You have access to the course forever! That means you can access it anytime for as long as you like.

Will I be able to ask my questions?

Always! Our team is available via email at any time to answer all your questions. So if you have any concerns, don't hesitate to contact us!

Will I receive a certificate?

Absolutely! At the end of the course, you'll receive our esteemed Social Heaven Certificate as recognition for your participation and the skills you've gained throughout.

Who is the course suitable for?

The course is suitable for all aspiring UGC Creators, whether they are just starting out and looking to learn the basics or already have experience and want to deepen their knowledge. This course provides you with the opportunity to expand your understanding and enhance your skills.

Make sure to grab free advice from our experts.

Let’s chat
UGC Expert 👉